Made in Germany.
Original Collections


In the historic ambience of a paper mill from 1852, schmuckwerk designs jewellery that appeals to all the senses - luxurious but casual. Pearls and diamonds play the main role and the claim to design extraordinary jewellery and to manufacture it in the best quality "Made in Germany".


Overrides gravity

In the Glasklar collection, a diamond floats in a glass sphere. A unique piece of craftsmanship. The glass ball is shaped by hand with a great deal of finesse in order to enclose the diamond as perfectly as possible. And best of all: The glass acts like a magnifying glass and makes the stone appear three times larger!


Ein Feuer, das Niemanden kalt lässt

Sie funkeln wie Sterne in der Nacht. Licht entfacht ihr Feuer. Dem Zauber der Brillanten kann sich niemand entziehen. Für den wertvollsten Edelstein entwirft SCHMUCKWERK einzigartigen Schmuck. Mal reduziert, mal verspielt, immer aber klar und mit höchster Präzision. Immer mit dem gewissen Extra.


A fire that leaves no one indifferent

Nobody can escape the magic of diamonds. SCHMUCKWERK designs unique jewellery for the most valuable gemstone. Sometimes reduced, sometimes playful, but always clear and with the highest precision. Always with that certain extra. SCHMUCKWERK awakens your diamond fever with five very special lines: Saturn, Ranke, Kettenring, Umarmung and Endlos.


From the sea to the clouds

The PERLENRAUSCH collection includes extraordinary jewellery ideas, and they all celebrate the exquisite, profound beauty of pearls in an elegant way. Created for very special women who like to adorn themselves in a special way. Rethink pearls - just like SCHMUCKWERK did: with the lines Wolke, Drilling and Kugel.